What About You meaning in Hindi language | What about you का हिंदी में अर्थ

What About You meaning in Hindi language | What about you का हिंदी में अर्थ

What about you meaning in Hindi: Many people on the internet are searching for the meaning of What about you in Hindi daily. Generally, these people get this line in messages from their friends or relatives.

They search on the internet “What about you meaning in the Hindi language” to know the meaning of this line and to understand what their friend is asking them so they can reply in a proper way.

What about you meaning in Hindi with few explanations

Meaning of  What about you in Hindi Language – “आप अपने बारे में बताइए”

This is a sentence that you can use depending on the situation. We are giving you some examples below, if you read those examples then you will understand them properly.

Example 1:

Mohan:- Hello Sohan, How Are You? (हेलो सोहन, कैसे हो आप?)

Sohan:- I am Fine, And What About You? (मैं ठीक हूँ आप कैसे है?)

Mohan:- I am Also Fine. (मैं भी ठीक हूँ।)

In this example what about you meaning in Hindi is आप कैसे हैं?

Example 2:

In this example, we will understand the “meaning of What About You In Hindi" from the conversation between two school children.

Ram :- Hey Shyam, when are you going to submit your project work? ( हेलो श्याम, तुम अपना प्रोजेक्ट कब जमा करवाने वाले हो ? )

Shyam:- I will submit my project tomorrow and What About You? ( मैं इसे कल जमा करूंगा, तुम बताओ, तुम कब तक जमा करने वाले हो? )

Ram:- I am going to submit my project today. (मैं अपना प्रोजेक्ट आज जमा करवाने वाला हूं | )

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In the above example what about you meaning in Hindi answer is about time.

You can use these sentences according to the situation. Different situation produces the different meaning of this sentence.

I hope this blog post helped you in understanding “What about you meaning in Hindi”.

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